Transmission-daemon on a headless Ubuntu server
Use Transmission-daemon on a headless Ubuntu server for remote control the torrents. Here I installed Transmisiion-daemon in a headless server running Ubuntu.
Transmission is a fast, simple and cross-platform free BitTorrent client, feature spotlight are,
- Uses fewer resources than other clients
- Native Mac, GTK+ and Qt GUI clients
- Daemon ideal for servers, embedded systems, and headless use
- All these can be remote controlled by Web and Terminal clients
- Bluetack (PeerGuardian) blocklists with automatic updates
- Full encryption, DHT, PEX and Magnet Link support
Check new release at
$ sudo apt-get install transmission-cli transmission-common transmission-daemon
Start and stop Daemon
$ sudo /etc/init.d/transmission-daemon start (stop)
Edit Configuration Settings
First, stop the daemon before editing.
$ sudo nano /etc/transmossion-daemon/settings.json
Some options(ref to WIKI):
- download-dir: String
- incomplete-dir: String (directory to keep incomplete files in)
- incomplete-dir-enabled: Boolean (default = false) When enabled, new torrents will download the files to incomplete-dir. When complete, the files will be moved to download-dir.
- watch-dir: String
- watch-dir-enabled: Boolean (default = false)
- rpc-authentication-required: Boolean (default = false)
- rpc-bind-address: String (default = “″) Where to listen for RPC connections
- rpc-enabled: Boolean (default = true)
- rpc-password: String
- rpc-port: Number (default = 9091)
- rpc-username: String
- rpc-whitelist: String (Comma-delimited list of IP addresses. Wildcards allowed using ‘*’. Example: “127.0.0.*,192.168.*.*”, Default: “″ )
- rpc-whitelist-enabled: Boolean (default = true)
My sample setting file for example:
“blocklist-enabled”: 0,
“download-dir”: “/home/user/downloads”,
“incomplete-dir”: “/home/user/tpm”,
“incomplete-dir-enabled”: 1,
“download-limit”: 100,
“download-limit-enabled”: 0,
“encryption”: 1,
“lazy-bitfield-enabled”: 1,
“message-level”: 2,
“open-file-limit”: 32,
“peer-limit-global”: 240,
“peer-limit-per-torrent”: 60,
“peer-port”: 51413,
“peer-port-random-enabled”: 0,
“peer-port-random-high”: 65535,
“peer-port-random-low”: 1024,
“peer-socket-tos”: 0,
“pex-enabled”: 1,
“port-forwarding-enabled”: 1,
“preallocation”: 1,
“proxy”: “”,
“proxy-auth-enabled”: 0,
“proxy-auth-password”: “”,
“proxy-auth-username”: “”,
“proxy-enabled”: 0,
“proxy-port”: 80,
“proxy-type”: 0,
“rpc-authentication-required”: 1,
“rpc-enabled”: 1,
“rpc-password”: “transmission”,
“rpc-port”: 9091,
“rpc-username”: “transmission”,
“rpc-whitelist”: “*”,
“rpc-whitelist-enabled”: 1,
“upload-limit”: 100,
“upload-limit-enabled”: 0,
“upload-slots-per-torrent”: 14
Transmission Remote GUI is a tool to remotely control Transmission-daemon via its RPC protocol. You can download native applications for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. In Linux, to make the file «transgui» executable by doing the following,
$ sudo chmod +x transgui
I encountered difficulties with file permissions when I had Transmission save downloads within the /var/lib/transmission-daemon/. Therefore, I changed Transmissions setting to download to a folder within my home directory. To ensure that both I and the debian-transmission user had read/write permissions, I added my account to the debian-transmission group (which is created when you install transmission), and I changed the group ownership of my torrent download directory to debian-transmission. Doing so grants the debian-transmission group read/write access to that folder, preserves read/write/execute access for my account, and prevents access to all others.
$ sudo usermod -a -G debian-transmission mjdescy
$ chgrp debian-transmission ~/dl/torrent
$ chmod 770 ~/dl/torrent